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Students and families of Pope St. John XXIII STEM Academy are able to receive Sacraments and preparations during the school year.

Second grade students are invited to receive First Holy Communion. Students will be prepared for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion by parish staff and Ms. Agnes, the PSJSTEM Sacraments Coordinator. If your child is in a higher grade and you wish for them to receive the sacrament of First Communion, please contact the school office.

First Communion Mass date: Sunday, May 25, 2024

Students are prepared during the year for a scheduled Mass in May for First Communion. Fr. Tuan meets with each student and family in April/May and ask students about the 5 basic prayers:

Our FatherHail MaryGlory BeThe Act of ContritionTen Commandments

Baptism is required to receive First Holy Communion. Those that have not been baptized are invited to join the Rite of Christian Initiation and Adults/Children (RCIA) program.

Agnes Burns is our Sacraments Coordinator at PSJSTEM, also serving as the PK4 teacher. Contact her here: